Detailed description of the courses:
Faculty of Humanities
- English Studies & Applied Linguistics
- History
- Journalism and Social Communication
- Polish Studies (BA, MA, Speech therapy BA, Speech therapy MA)
Faculty of Law and Social Sciences
- Administration
- Criminology
- Economics
- Finance & Accounting
- International Relations
- Law
- Management
- Logistics
- National Security
Faculty of Natural Sciences
- Biology
- Biotechnology
- Chemistry
- Data Engineering & ICTs
- Environmental Protection
- Geography
- Geoinformation with Spatial Management
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Tourism and Recreation
Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
- Cosmetology
- Dietetics
- Emergency Medical Services
- Nursing
- Midwifery
- Public Health
- Physiotherapy
- Physical Education (Sports)
- Pharmacy
Faculty of Education and Psychology
Faculty of Arts
- Art Education in Music
- Visual Arts & Design
Campus in Sandomierz